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RespTech Wallpaper Public License

This is the version 1 of the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, written by Nguyen Hoang Duong, published as 42tm, 24 July 2018.

You can copy this license, and you can modify it under the condition that you must not call your modified version the “RespTech Wallpaper Public License”.


This License is for any work that is intended to be a wallpaper that everyone can use. We (42tm) created this License so that both the author(s) and people who use the wallpaper can benefit. We hope to encourage the creation of open, public art works for the benefit of the large public.



  1. “This license” means the terms and conditions described from the section “Use of the wallpaper” to section “Limitations” of this document.
  2. “RTWPL” is the acronym for “RespTech Wallpaper Public License”, which has the same definition as “this license” (above).
  3. “RTWPL-licensed” means (something) licensed under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License.
  4. “Wallpaper” means a form of visual art that is intended to be set as background on any digital device that supports background image (e.g. phone, tablet, PC,…). Wallpaper, in this context, can be of any type, as long as the device supports it (usually raster graphic).
  5. “Background” has the same meaning as “Wallpaper”, defined above.
  6. “User” means any person who wish to use or is using the provided RTWPL-licensed Wallpaper.
  7. “Author” means the author of the wallpaper, which might be an individual or a group of individuals. We define “author” as such to avoid having to write something like “author(s)” which can break the flow of the license text.
  8. “Provider” means any individual or group of individuals who provide any RTWPL-licensed work.
  9. “Digital device” means any digital device that can have wallpaper. A digital device may have many wallpapers set for different place (e.g. the iPhone has wallpaper for the lock screen and has another wallpaper for the home screen.).
  10. “Original wallpaper” means the wallpaper that someone else copied and modified the copy.
  11. “Modified wallpaper” means the wallpaper that is essentially a modified version of another wallpaper (i.e. the original wallpaper).
  12. To use the wallpaper means to set the wallpaper as wallpaper on the digital device.
  13. To modify the wallpaper means to edit the content of the wallpaper, or more specifically, making the wallpaper visually different from the original wallpaper.
  14. To redistribute the wallpaper means to make a copy of a RTWPL-licensed wallpaper available somewhere public, such as on a web page, or in a museum.

Use of the wallpaper

The wallpaper is provided free of charge, for anyone to use. Anyone can set this wallpaper as wallpaper on any digital device as long as the device supports the file type of the wallpaper. The author makes no guarantee that the wallpaper can be set as wallpaper on every device. In the event that you cannot set the wallpaper as background because your device does not support the file type of the provided wallpaper, the best you can do is asking the author to make a version with the file type that your digital device supports.

Modifying the wallpaper

Everyone is allowed to modify the wallpaper. The modified wallpaper must be either kept secret, or licensed under a public copyright license such as the RespTech Wallpaper Public License or the CC-compatible licenses.

Redistributing the original wallpaper

The wallpaper can be copied and redistributed in any form. It can be raster graphic or printed on a physical object, such as a piece of paper. When redistributing the original wallpaper to the public, the name of the author and a link to a full copy of this license must be explicitly specified.

Modified wallpaper

Modified version of a wallpaper licensed under this license must be either secret or licensed under a public license, as described in section 2 above. Thus, the terms and conditions applied for the modified wallpaper depend on the license that the modified wallpaper is licensed under, so we cannot provide the terms and conditions for the modified wallpaper. One exception is, if the modified wallpaper is licensed under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, the terms and conditions of this license take effect, and the terms and conditions for redistributing the (modified) wallpaper are the same as those stated in section 3 of this license.

How a RTWPL-licensed wallpaper must be provided

The wallpaper must be available in the public. Often times, the author put their name as part of the content of the wallpaper (e.g. in the low corner of the wallpaper). Most (if not all) of the time, the name of the author is there only for (public) recognition, and is not part of the content of the wallpaper. If the name of the author is genuinely there as part of the wallpaper’s content, let it be, otherwise, when provided to the public, the name must be removed from the content of the wallpaper.

Source code of the wallpaper

Wallpapers are usually created using an image editor, but not all wallpapers are created that way. Some people write scripts that can generate wallpapers. Some wallpapers are created using an image editor, but use a file type that actually makes the wallpaper available in some kind of human-readable code (e.g. SVG). Under the effect of the terms and conditions of the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, the source code of the wallpaper (e.g. SVG) or the source code of the script used to generate the wallpaper does NOT have to be publicly available, however it is encouraged to make the source code available publicly as well so people can easily modify the wallpaper.


No liability and warranty are held concerning the wallpaper. If claimed by the provider, the wallpaper must be provided as-is.

How to apply this license to your wallpaper

If you wish to license your wallpaper under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, chances are your wallpaper is in digital form (e.g. raster graphic image). Hence, you are likely going to provide it on a digital platform. If so, you can do one of the following:

  • Explicitly point out that the wallpaper is licensed under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, and provide a link to a copy of the license.
  • If you are providing an archive that contains many wallpapers, and at least one of them is licensed under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, then put the full license text of this license in a text file, typically called “LICENSE” or “COPYING”, and explicitly point out which wallpaper(s) is/are licensed under this license.
  • Explicitly point out that the wallpaper is licensed under the RespTech Wallpaper Public License, along with the following text snippet:
Everyone is allowed to set this wallpaper as wallpaper on any
device. Modified wallpapers can be created from this wallpaper, as
long as they are kept secret for private use or are licensed under
a public license. Redistributing the exact copy of this wallpaper
is allowed, as long as the authors' names and a link to this license
are provided along with the redistribution.