- |
@@ -556,6 +563,8 @@
- --jobs
- --loglevel
+ - --no-tiling
- --omit-metadata
diff --git a/objects.inv b/objects.inv
index 227aaed7..213ed2be 100644
Binary files a/objects.inv and b/objects.inv differ
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index 8d3cd187..8e91add3 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"2D building roofprint polygon": [[3, "d-building-roofprint-polygon"]], "3DBAG organisation": [[5, "dbag-organisation"]], "API Reference C++": [[0, null]], "API Reference Python": [[1, null]], "Algorithm overview": [[6, "algorithm-overview"]], "Assumptions": [[6, "assumptions"]], "Compilation from source": [[4, "compilation-from-source"]], "Contents:": [[5, null]], "Example config file": [[2, "example-config-file"]], "Getting started": [[4, null]], "Highlights": [[5, "highlights"]], "License": [[5, "license"]], "Options": [[2, "options"]], "Origin": [[5, "origin"]], "Output format": [[2, "output-format"]], "Parameters": [[6, "parameters"]], "Point cloud": [[3, "point-cloud"]], "Reconstruction algorithm and parameters": [[6, null]], "Requirements on the input data": [[3, null]], "Roofer CLI App": [[2, null]], "Usage": [[2, "usage"]], "roofer - automatic building reconstruction from pointclouds": [[5, null]]}, "docnames": ["api_cpp", "api_py", "cli_application", "data_requirements", "getting_started", "index", "reconstruct_params"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 63, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2}, "filenames": ["api_cpp.rst", "api_py.rst", "cli_application.rst", "data_requirements.rst", "getting_started.rst", "index.rst", "reconstruct_params.rst"], "indexentries": {"--box": [[2, "cmdoption-box", false]], "--ceil_point_density": [[2, "cmdoption-ceil_point_density", false]], "--cellsize": [[2, "cmdoption-cellsize", false]], "--cj-scale": [[2, "cmdoption-cj-scale", false]], "--cj-translate": [[2, "cmdoption-cj-translate", false]], "--config": [[2, "cmdoption-c", false]], "--crop-output": [[2, "cmdoption-crop-output", false]], "--crop-output-all": [[2, "cmdoption-crop-output-all", false]], 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"-rlod": [[2, "cmdoption-Rlod", false]], "-rlod13-step-height": [[2, "cmdoption-Rlod13-step-height", false]], "-rplane-detect-epsilon": [[2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-epsilon", false]], "-rplane-detect-k": [[2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-k", false]], "-rplane-detect-min-points": [[2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-min-points", false]], "-v": [[2, "cmdoption-v", false]], "": [[2, "cmdoption-arg-output-directory", false]], "": [[2, "cmdoption-arg-pointcloud-path", false]], "": [[2, "cmdoption-arg-polygon-source", false]], "clip_ground (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.clip_ground", false]], "command line option": [[2, "cmdoption-Rcomplexity-factor", false], [2, "cmdoption-Rlod", false], [2, "cmdoption-Rlod13-step-height", false], [2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-epsilon", false], [2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-k", false], [2, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-min-points", false], [2, "cmdoption-arg-output-directory", false], [2, "cmdoption-arg-pointcloud-path", false], [2, "cmdoption-arg-polygon-source", false], [2, "cmdoption-box", false], [2, "cmdoption-c", false], [2, "cmdoption-ceil_point_density", false], [2, "cmdoption-cellsize", false], [2, "cmdoption-cj-scale", false], [2, "cmdoption-cj-translate", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-output", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-output-all", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-rasters", false], [2, "cmdoption-filter", false], [2, "cmdoption-force-lod11-attribute", false], [2, "cmdoption-h", false], [2, "cmdoption-id-attribute", false], [2, "cmdoption-index", false], [2, "cmdoption-j", false], [2, "cmdoption-l", false], [2, "cmdoption-omit-metadata", false], [2, "cmdoption-polygon-source-layer", false], [2, "cmdoption-split-cjseq", false], [2, "cmdoption-srs", false], [2, "cmdoption-tilesize", false], [2, "cmdoption-trace-interval", false], [2, "cmdoption-v", false]], "complexity_factor (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.complexity_factor", false]], "floor_elevation (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.floor_elevation", false]], "is_valid() (roofer.reconstructionconfig method)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.is_valid", false]], "lod (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.lod", false]], "lod13_step_height (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.lod13_step_height", false]], "module": [[1, "module-roofer", false]], "override_with_floor_elevation (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.override_with_floor_elevation", false]], "reconstruct() (in module roofer)": [[1, "roofer.reconstruct", false]], "reconstructionconfig (class in roofer)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig", false]], "roofer": [[1, "module-roofer", false]], "roofer (c++ type)": [[0, "_CPPv46roofer", false]], "roofer::reconstruct (c++ function)": [[0, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", false], [0, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig (c++ struct)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::clip_ground (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::complexity_factor (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::floor_elevation (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::line_detect_epsilon (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::lod (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::lod13_step_height (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::override_with_floor_elevation (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_epsilon (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_k (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_min_points (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_normal_angle (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_alpha (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_reg_line_dist (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_reg_line_ext (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", false]], "roofer::triangulate_mesh (c++ function)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer16triangulate_meshERK4Mesh", false]], "triangulate_mesh() (in module roofer)": [[1, "roofer.triangulate_mesh", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[0, 0, 1, "_CPPv46roofer", "roofer"], [0, 1, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig"], [6, 1, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::clip_ground"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::clip_ground"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::complexity_factor"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::complexity_factor"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::floor_elevation"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::floor_elevation"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::line_detect_epsilon"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::line_detect_epsilon"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod13_step_height"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod13_step_height"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::override_with_floor_elevation"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::override_with_floor_elevation"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_epsilon"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_epsilon"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_k"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_k"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_min_points"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_min_points"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_normal_angle"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_normal_angle"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_alpha"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_alpha"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_dist"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_dist"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_ext"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_ext"], [0, 3, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct"], [0, 3, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct"], [0, 4, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::Footprint"], [0, 4, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::Footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::cfg"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::cfg"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::points_ground"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::points_roof"], [0, 5, 1, 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"cmdoption-id-attribute", "--id-attribute"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-index", "--index"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-j", "--jobs"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-l", "--loglevel"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-omit-metadata", "--omit-metadata"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-polygon-source-layer", "--polygon-source-layer"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-split-cjseq", "--split-cjseq"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-srs", "--srs"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-tilesize", "--tilesize"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-trace-interval", "--trace-interval"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-v", "--version"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rcomplexity-factor", "-Rcomplexity-factor"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rlod", "-Rlod"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rlod13-step-height", "-Rlod13-step-height"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-epsilon", "-Rplane-detect-epsilon"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-k", "-Rplane-detect-k"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-min-points", "-Rplane-detect-min-points"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-c", "-c"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-h", "-h"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-j", "-j"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-l", "-l"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-v", "-v"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-output-directory", "<output-directory>"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-pointcloud-path", "<pointcloud-path>"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-polygon-source", "<polygon-source>"]], "roofer": [[1, 7, 1, "", "ReconstructionConfig"], [1, 10, 1, "", "reconstruct"], [1, 10, 1, "", "triangulate_mesh"]], "roofer.ReconstructionConfig": [[1, 8, 1, "", "clip_ground"], [1, 8, 1, "", "complexity_factor"], [1, 8, 1, "", "floor_elevation"], [1, 9, 1, "", "is_valid"], [1, 8, 1, "", "lod"], [1, 8, 1, "", "lod13_step_height"], [1, 8, 1, "", "override_with_floor_elevation"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["cpp", "type", "C++ type"], "1": ["cpp", "class", "C++ class"], "2": ["cpp", "member", "C++ member"], "3": ["cpp", "function", "C++ function"], "4": ["cpp", "templateParam", "C++ template parameter"], "5": ["cpp", "functionParam", "C++ function parameter"], "6": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "7": ["py", 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"pointcloud": 5, "polygon": 3, "python": 1, "reconstruct": [5, 6], "refer": [0, 1], "requir": 3, "roofer": [2, 5], "roofprint": 3, "sourc": 4, "start": 4, "usag": 2}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"2D building roofprint polygon": [[3, "d-building-roofprint-polygon"]], "3DBAG organisation": [[5, "dbag-organisation"]], "API Reference C++": [[0, null]], "API Reference Python": [[1, null]], "Algorithm overview": [[6, "algorithm-overview"]], "Assumptions": [[6, "assumptions"]], "Compilation from source": [[4, "compilation-from-source"]], "Contents:": [[5, null]], "Example config file": [[2, "example-config-file"]], "Getting started": [[4, null]], "Highlights": [[5, "highlights"]], "License": [[5, "license"]], "Options": [[2, "options"]], "Origin": [[5, "origin"]], "Output format": [[2, "output-format"]], "Parameters": [[6, "parameters"]], "Point cloud": [[3, "point-cloud"]], "Reconstruction algorithm and parameters": [[6, null]], "Requirements on the input data": [[3, null]], "Roofer CLI App": [[2, null]], "Usage": [[2, "usage"]], "roofer - automatic building reconstruction from pointclouds": [[5, null]]}, "docnames": ["api_cpp", "api_py", "cli_application", "data_requirements", "getting_started", "index", "reconstruct_params"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 63, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2}, "filenames": ["api_cpp.rst", "api_py.rst", "cli_application.rst", "data_requirements.rst", "getting_started.rst", "index.rst", "reconstruct_params.rst"], "indexentries": {"--box": [[2, "cmdoption-box", false]], "--ceil_point_density": [[2, "cmdoption-ceil_point_density", false]], "--cellsize": [[2, "cmdoption-cellsize", false]], "--cj-scale": [[2, "cmdoption-cj-scale", false]], "--cj-translate": [[2, "cmdoption-cj-translate", false]], "--config": [[2, "cmdoption-c", false]], "--crop-output": [[2, "cmdoption-crop-output", false]], "--crop-output-all": [[2, "cmdoption-crop-output-all", false]], 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"cmdoption-arg-output-directory", false], [2, "cmdoption-arg-pointcloud-path", false], [2, "cmdoption-arg-polygon-source", false], [2, "cmdoption-box", false], [2, "cmdoption-c", false], [2, "cmdoption-ceil_point_density", false], [2, "cmdoption-cellsize", false], [2, "cmdoption-cj-scale", false], [2, "cmdoption-cj-translate", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-output", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-output-all", false], [2, "cmdoption-crop-rasters", false], [2, "cmdoption-filter", false], [2, "cmdoption-force-lod11-attribute", false], [2, "cmdoption-h", false], [2, "cmdoption-id-attribute", false], [2, "cmdoption-index", false], [2, "cmdoption-j", false], [2, "cmdoption-l", false], [2, "cmdoption-no-tiling", false], [2, "cmdoption-omit-metadata", false], [2, "cmdoption-polygon-source-layer", false], [2, "cmdoption-split-cjseq", false], [2, "cmdoption-srs", false], [2, "cmdoption-tilesize", false], [2, "cmdoption-trace-interval", false], [2, "cmdoption-v", false]], "complexity_factor (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.complexity_factor", false]], "floor_elevation (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.floor_elevation", false]], "is_valid() (roofer.reconstructionconfig method)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.is_valid", false]], "lod (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.lod", false]], "lod13_step_height (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.lod13_step_height", false]], "module": [[1, "module-roofer", false]], "override_with_floor_elevation (roofer.reconstructionconfig property)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig.override_with_floor_elevation", false]], "reconstruct() (in module roofer)": [[1, "roofer.reconstruct", false]], "reconstructionconfig (class in roofer)": [[1, "roofer.ReconstructionConfig", false]], "roofer": [[1, "module-roofer", false]], "roofer (c++ type)": [[0, "_CPPv46roofer", false]], "roofer::reconstruct (c++ function)": [[0, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", false], [0, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig (c++ struct)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::clip_ground (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::complexity_factor (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::floor_elevation (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::line_detect_epsilon (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::lod (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::lod13_step_height (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::override_with_floor_elevation (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_epsilon (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_k (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_min_points (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::plane_detect_normal_angle (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_alpha (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_reg_line_dist (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", false]], "roofer::reconstructionconfig::thres_reg_line_ext (c++ member)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", false], [6, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", false]], "roofer::triangulate_mesh (c++ function)": [[0, "_CPPv4N6roofer16triangulate_meshERK4Mesh", false]], "triangulate_mesh() (in module roofer)": [[1, "roofer.triangulate_mesh", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[0, 0, 1, "_CPPv46roofer", "roofer"], [0, 1, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig"], [6, 1, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfigE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::clip_ground"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11clip_groundE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::clip_ground"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::complexity_factor"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17complexity_factorE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::complexity_factor"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::floor_elevation"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig15floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::floor_elevation"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::line_detect_epsilon"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19line_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::line_detect_epsilon"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig3lodE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod13_step_height"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig17lod13_step_heightE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::lod13_step_height"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::override_with_floor_elevation"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig29override_with_floor_elevationE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::override_with_floor_elevation"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_epsilon"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig20plane_detect_epsilonE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_epsilon"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_k"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig14plane_detect_kE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_k"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_min_points"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig23plane_detect_min_pointsE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_min_points"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_normal_angle"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig25plane_detect_normal_angleE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::plane_detect_normal_angle"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_alpha"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig11thres_alphaE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_alpha"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_dist"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig19thres_reg_line_distE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_dist"], [0, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_ext"], [6, 2, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer20ReconstructionConfig18thres_reg_line_extE", "roofer::ReconstructionConfig::thres_reg_line_ext"], [0, 3, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct"], [0, 3, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct"], [0, 4, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::Footprint"], [0, 4, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::Footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::cfg"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::cfg"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::footprint"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::points_ground"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::points_roof"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4I0EN6roofer11reconstructENSt6vectorI4MeshEERK15PointCollectionRK15PointCollectionR9Footprint20ReconstructionConfig", "roofer::reconstruct::points_roof"], [0, 3, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer16triangulate_meshERK4Mesh", "roofer::triangulate_mesh"], [0, 5, 1, "_CPPv4N6roofer16triangulate_meshERK4Mesh", "roofer::triangulate_mesh::mesh"], [1, 6, 0, "-", "roofer"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-box", "--box"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-ceil_point_density", "--ceil_point_density"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-cellsize", "--cellsize"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-cj-scale", "--cj-scale"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-cj-translate", "--cj-translate"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-c", "--config"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-crop-output", "--crop-output"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-crop-output-all", "--crop-output-all"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-crop-rasters", "--crop-rasters"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-filter", "--filter"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-force-lod11-attribute", "--force-lod11-attribute"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-h", "--help"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-id-attribute", "--id-attribute"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-index", "--index"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-j", "--jobs"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-l", "--loglevel"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-no-tiling", "--no-tiling"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-omit-metadata", "--omit-metadata"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-polygon-source-layer", "--polygon-source-layer"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-split-cjseq", "--split-cjseq"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-srs", "--srs"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-tilesize", "--tilesize"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-trace-interval", "--trace-interval"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-v", "--version"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rcomplexity-factor", "-Rcomplexity-factor"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rlod", "-Rlod"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rlod13-step-height", "-Rlod13-step-height"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-epsilon", "-Rplane-detect-epsilon"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-k", "-Rplane-detect-k"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-Rplane-detect-min-points", "-Rplane-detect-min-points"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-c", "-c"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-h", "-h"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-j", "-j"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-l", "-l"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-v", "-v"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-output-directory", "<output-directory>"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-pointcloud-path", "<pointcloud-path>"], [2, 11, 1, "cmdoption-arg-polygon-source", "<polygon-source>"]], "roofer": [[1, 7, 1, "", "ReconstructionConfig"], [1, 10, 1, "", "reconstruct"], [1, 10, 1, "", "triangulate_mesh"]], "roofer.ReconstructionConfig": [[1, 8, 1, "", "clip_ground"], [1, 8, 1, "", "complexity_factor"], [1, 8, 1, "", "floor_elevation"], [1, 9, 1, "", "is_valid"], [1, 8, 1, "", "lod"], [1, 8, 1, "", "lod13_step_height"], [1, 8, 1, "", "override_with_floor_elevation"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["cpp", "type", "C++ type"], "1": ["cpp", "class", "C++ class"], "2": ["cpp", "member", "C++ member"], "3": ["cpp", "function", "C++ function"], "4": ["cpp", "templateParam", "C++ template parameter"], "5": ["cpp", "functionParam", "C++ function parameter"], "6": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "7": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "8": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "9": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "10": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "11": ["std", "cmdoption", "program option"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "cpp:type", "1": "cpp:class", "2": "cpp:member", "3": "cpp:function", "4": "cpp:templateParam", "5": "cpp:functionParam", "6": "py:module", "7": "py:class", "8": "py:property", "9": "py:method", "10": "py:function", "11": "std:cmdoption"}, "terms": {"": [2, 4], "0": [0, 2, 4, 6], "000000": [0, 6], "01": 2, "0x7f02516cafb0": 1, "0x7f02516cb170": 1, "1": [0, 2, 4, 6], "10": [2, 3], "1000": 2, "101068452": 5, "12": [0, 2, 6], "13": [0, 2, 6], "15": [0, 2, 6], "171800": 2, "2": [0, 2, 3, 5, 6], "20": 2, "2016": 5, "2022": 5, "2024": 5, "22": [0, 2, 6], "250000": [0, 6], "2d": [5, 6], "3": [0, 1, 2, 5, 6], "300000": [0, 6], "3d": [2, 3, 5, 6], "3dbag": 4, "3dgi": 5, "472700": 2, "5": 2, "5d": 6, "6": 3, "677312": 5, "7": 2, 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