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The Accusative Case & Plurals


In English, the plural form of a noun is generally given by adding an -s onto the end of a word, in Hungarian this is done by adding -k.

Watch out! Some nouns end in -k in their base state (nominal). E.g. gyerek (child), játék (toy, game).

Naturally, when adding the plural to our nominal noun, we have to obey vowel harmony. Here's a collection of nouns.

Noun -ak -ok -ek -ök -k
Férfi (man) Férfiak
Szó (word) Szavak
Madár (bird) Madarak
Híd (bridge) Hidak
Ló (horse) Lovak
Tó (lake) Tavak
Falu (village) Falvak
Játék (toy/game) Játékok
Bokor (bush) Bokrok
Bagoly (owl) Baglyok
Polc (shelf) Polcok
Csillag (star) Csillagok
Az Azok
Fű (grass) Füvek
Gyerek (child) Gyerekek
Ember (person) Emberek
Kő (stone) Kövek
Egér (mouse) Egerek
Ez Ezek
Tükör (mirror) Tükrök
Gyümölcs (fruit) Gyümölcsök
Bőrönd (suitcase) Bőröndök
Sör (beer) Sörök
Gyöngy (pearl) Gyöngyök
Kutya (dog) Kutyák
Kiwi Kiwik
Macska (cat) Macskák
Fiú (boy) Fiúk
Daru (crane) Daruk/Darvak
Satu (vice) Satuk
Tanú Tanúk

There's a lot to be taken away from here. We can make some rules, but there will always be exceptions.

  1. The vowels of some two-letter-long nouns become shortened and get a v attached as well as a k
  • Fű - Füvek
  • Ló - Lovak
  • Kő - Kövek
  • Szó - Szavak
  • Tó - Tavak
  1. Some nouns ending in i only get a k attached.
  • Kifli - Kiflik (type of bread roll)
  • Kiwi - Kiwik
  1. Most nouns ending in other unlengthened vowels become lengthened in the plural.
  • Kutya - Kutyák
  • Macska - Macskák
  • Bögre - Bögrék (Mug)
  1. Most nouns ending in lengthened vowels only get a k attached.
  • Betű - Betűk (Letter)
  • Fiú - Fiúk
  • Író - Írók (Writer)
  1. Most nouns that have an elongated vowel in the second syllable will lose it in the plural.
  • Madár - Madarak
  • Tehén - Tehenek (Cow)
  • Darázs - Darazsak (Wasp)
  1. Some nouns become reduced if there is a repeated vowel.
  • Bokor - Bokrok
  • Tükör - Tükrök
  • Dolog - Dolgok (thing)

RARE EXCEPTION: Nouns ending in u! The last vowel does not become lengthened and sometimes the plural becomes -vak.

  • Daruk - (cranes - machine)
  • Darvak - (cranes - birds)

But wait, there's more!

In Hungarian, when a noun becomes quaintified (either by numbers or by adjectives) it becomes singular.

  • Fák - (trees)
  • Két fa - (Two trees)
  • Sok fa - (Many trees)
  • Néhány fa - (Some trees)

Nouns that usually come in pairs are considered singular.

  • Zokni - (socks)
  • Cipő - (shoes)
  • Szem - (eyes)

To single them out, one can describe them or use egyik (one of).

  • A bal zokni - (the left sock)
  • Egyik cipő - (one of the shoes)

Last but not least, if you stress that a noun has a key attribute, the adjective needs to match the amount of nouns.

  • A madarak zöldek/Zöldek a madarak - (The birds are green)
  • Azok a drága autók magyarok - (Those expensive cars are hungarian)

The Accusative Case

The accusative case marks the direct object. Whenever something/someone does something/someone else, the something/someone else becomes the direct object. The accusative case is simply marked with a -t at the end.

In English this only happens a few times.

  • Can you see me? (me is the direct object)
  • Whom did you see? (whom is the direct object)
Noun -at -ot -et -öt -t
Játékok Játékokat
Kutyák Kutyákat
Madár Madarat
Bokor Bokrokat
Magyarázatok Magyarázatokat
Magyarázat (explanation) Magyarázatot
Tükrök Tükröket
Bagoly Baglyot
Polc Polcok
Csillag Csillagot
Gyerek Gyerekek
Kövek Köveket
Festmények (paintings) Festményeket
Egerek Egereket
Hörcsög (hamster) Hörcsögöt
Gyümölcs Gyümölcsöt
Bőrönd Bőröndöt
Sör Sörök
Gyöngy Gyöngyöt
Ember Embert
Kiwi Kiwit
Macska Macskát
Férfit Férfit
Fiú Fiút

All the vowel harmony rules stated for the plural apply for the accusative as well.

It is also interesting to note how some vowel harmony for back-vowel words alternates between o and a.

  • Magyarázatokat
  • Játékokat
  • Dolgokat
  • Azokat and so on and so forth...

Let's see some hungarian sentences!

  • Látom a fát. - I see the tree
  • Hallom azokat a madarakat. - I hear those birds
  • Megettem a tortát. - I ate the cake

This can be done in the format of questions

  • Mit csinálsz? What are you doing?
  • Kit látsz? Whom do you see?
  • Látod azt? Do you see that?

Challenge! vadászik

Két kutya üldöz egy szarvast.

Two dogs chase a deer.

Special conjugation

If the verb is happening between I and you, then we use the special verb conjugation -lak/-lek.

  • Szeretlek - I love you
  • Látlak - I see you

This conjugation is used with the plural (by adding titeket) to address "you guys" as well.

Lastly, the pronouns change when in the accusative case.

Pronoun Accusative
én engem
te téged
ő őt
ti titeket
ők őket


  • Engem keresel? - Are you looking for me?
  • Mi tesz téged boldoggá? What makes you happy?

Yet to Learn