- configless execution
- new git plugin with support for gitlab, github
- new git with support for ephemeral repos
- archive branch
- py3.12
- fetch remote before branch remake
- throw if remotes don't match url (#69)
- git service init changes
pypi release
support for poetry based projects (#27)version tag/bump
support for poetry based projects (#27)semver2
plugin (#20)`remote
config attribute for repository plugins- python 3.10 support (#43)
- python 3.11 support (#43)
- version plugins no longer mangle pyproject.toml formatting (#35)
- git plugin will now always set remote and branch for pull and push
- semver2 plugin always trying to tag a prerelease during bump action (#39)
- changelog version sorting issues during generate and release (#38)
- template plugin will now copy file permissions (#37)
- reposiotry plugins: when specifying a branch that does not exist locally or remotely the branch will be created (#47)
- default cache dir location (#29)
- version plugin: automatic creation of dev tags (#46)
- python 3.6 support (#43)
- python 3.7 support
- python 3.7 support (#15)
- python 3.8 support (#19)
- python 3.9 support (#19)
- version plugin: bump needs to do a pull before changelog validation (#14)
- venv plugin: copy: remove *.pyc files after copying a venv (#17)
- venv plugin: sync_setup --freeze option added
- venv plugin: sync_setup now also generates dev packages into extra_requires
- issue in setup.py with download_url and url (#18)
- venv plugin is no longer working (due to poetry not allowing bash scripts and it no longer being used)
- python2.7 support (#21)
- python3.4 support (#21)
- python3.5 support (#21)
- switch to confu package, away from cfu (same version and codebase, different package name)
- update test requirements for pyaml according to python version
operation addedconfuargparserouter
: better way to route confu generated cli parameters to sub parserschangelog
plugin: changelog validation
- fix #13: plugin.expose_vars: don't raise on io error
- fix #5: fix config error handling for errors that happen outside of plugin config
- fix #6: fix semantic version bumping when the current version is truncated
- pypi plugin: config
changed topypi_repository
(#2) - pypi plugin: config
changed torepository