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This page lists the useful programming tools for C++ programming, preferably with description of the tool or with an example illustrating how to use the tool.


It is a tool to connect remote client, with which we can easily manage our remote systems.

With its long history, its stability is guaranteed.

Official Website


Author: Biru Yang Date: 2020.6.24


Typora的官网是这样定义它的产品的:“A truly minimal markdown editor”。



  • 真正的实时编辑。

  • 提供大量的人性化设置选择:

    • 可选择Markdown语法风格;
  • 智能标点;

    • 打字机模式、专注模式、源代码模式等方便的输入模式;
  • 空格和换行主要采用CommonMark作为标注规范;

  • 可输入emoji表情/方便地插入图片。

  • 原生支持LaTeX。





Author: Biru Yang Date: 2020.6.24


国内相关从业人员大多使用source insight,但Understand的功能其实比source insight强大。


  • 代码检查:检查代码是否符合MISRA-C 2004, MISRA-C++ 2008等国际标准(也可自定义检查标准)。

  • 代码编辑;

  • 依赖关系浏览器:快速浏览文件及结构依赖关系,导出依赖关系图标。

  • 即时搜索:从代码中即时搜索关键字,方便代码阅读。

  • 生成多种图表:

    • 声明关系图

    • 继承关系图

    • 控制流图

    • 依赖关系图

    • UML类图

    • etc.


Ada, C/C++, C#, FORTRAN, Java, JOVIAL, Pascal, PL/M, VHDL, Cobol, Web Languages(PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML and etc.)

Github Desktop

This tool helps you fork branches, edit repositories and submit pull requests on the desktop. Website:

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a light and effective text editor which is commonly used with Github Desktop. An interesting feature of Sublime Text is that it can open executable files as hexadecimal numbers and edit them directly. Website:

MarkdownPad 2

This tool allows you to write texts in markdown format and preview the texts in the window. website:

Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio(简称VS)是美国微软公司的开发工具包系列产品。VS是一个基本完整的开发工具集,它包括了整个软件生命周期中所需要的大部分工具,如UML工具、代码管控工具、集成开发环境(IDE)等等。所写的目标代码适用于微软支持的所有平台 Website:

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code(以下简称vscode)是一个轻量且强大的跨平台开源代码编辑器(IDE),支持Windows,OSX和Linux。内置JavaScript、TypeScript和Node.js支持,而且拥有丰富的插件生态系统,可通过安装插件来支持



Vim is a text editor developed from VI. Code completion, compilation, error jump and other convenient programming functions are particularly rich, widely used among programmers, along with Emacs as a uniX-like system users favorite text editor.

GNU Make

Make is an essential tool for writing a large program. It can find makefile files and efficiently compile linked source files.

GNU gprof

GNU gprof allows us to learn where our program spent its time and which functions called which other functions while it was executing. This information can show us which pieces of your program are slower than expected, and might be candidates for rewriting to make our program execute faster. It can also tell us which functions are being called more or less often than expected. This may help us spot bugs that had otherwise been unnoticed.

Jupyter lab

Jupyterlab is the next generation of web-based interface developed by jupyter team for jupyter project. Compared with jupyter notebook, it is more integrated, flexible and extensible. It supports more than 100 languages [2], supports the integration of multiple documents, and realizes the new workflow of interactive computing.

If jupyter notebook is like an interactive notebook, then jupyter lab is more like an interactive vscode. In addition, jupyterlab is very powerful. You can deploy it on the cloud server. Whether it's a computer, tablet or mobile phone, you only need a browser to access it remotely.


MobaXterm is your ultimate toolbox for remote computing. In a single Windows application, it provides loads of functions that are tailored for programmers, webmasters, IT administrators and pretty much all users who need to handle their remote jobs in a more simple fashion.

MobaXterm provides all the important remote network tools (SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH, ...) and Unix commands (bash, ls, cat, sed, grep, awk, rsync, ...) to Windows desktop, in a single portable exe file which works out of the box. More info on supported network protocols

There are many advantages of having an All-In-One network application for your remote tasks, e.g. when you use SSH to connect to a remote server, a graphical SFTP browser will automatically pop up in order to directly edit your remote files. Your remote applications will also display seamlessly on your Windows desktop using the embedded X server. See demo

Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)






IDA是Interactive Disassembler Professional的缩写,指交互式反汇编器。可以用于分析不知道源码的C可执行程序,不仅可以得到等效源码、汇编代码,还能分析栈和堆的分配方式,如函数地址和变量地址。


A cross-platform IDE for C and C++





VTune Profiler (formerly VTune Amplifier) is a performance analysis tool for x86 based machines running Linux or Microsoft Windows operating systems. Many features work on both Intel and AMD hardware, but advanced hardware-based sampling requires an Intel-manufactured CPU.(It is very powerful)




  • 支持绘制:用例图、类图、序列图、状态图、活动图、通信图、构件图、部署图等多种UML图
  • 完全免费:不仅免费下载,而且代码都是开源的
  • 可以将生成图导出为:PDF、JPG、JPEG、BMP、EMF等多种格式的文件
  • 语法检验:StarUML遵守UML的语法规则,不支持违反语法的动作。
  • 正反向工程:可以依据类图的内容生成Java、C++、C#代码,也能够读取Java、C++、C#代码反向生成类图。





openFrameworks(以下简称 oF) 是一个开源的、跨平台的 C++ 工具包。旨在开发实时项目,重点是生成和处理图形和声音。如今,这是一个很受欢迎的实验平台,用于生成和声音艺术,以及创作互动装置和视听表演。

oF 的强大之处在于,它不仅是一个通用的胶水(glue),同时它还封装了多种常用的库,包括:

  • OpenGL、GLEW、GLUT、libtess2、cairo - 用于处理图形;
  • rtAudio、PortAudio、OpenAL、Kiss FFT、FMOD - 用于音频的输入、输出和分析;
  • FreeType - 用于字体显示;
  • FreeImage - 用于图像存储和载入;
  • Quicktime、GStreamer、videoInput - 用于视频播放和截取;
  • Poco - 用于开发网络应用;
  • OpenCV - 用于计算机视觉;
  • Assimp - 用于读入 3D 模型。

这些库虽然遵循着不同的规则和用法,但 oF 在它们基础上提供了一个通用的接口,使得使用它们变得很容易。

除此之外,oF 的另一亮点在于它具有很好的跨平台特性。目前它支持 5 种操作系统(Windows、OSX、Linux、iOS、Android)以及 4 种 集成开发环境(XCode、Code::Blocks、Visual Studio、Eclipse)。



This is a library of policy-based elementary data structures: associative containers and priority queues.

It is designed for high-performance, flexibility, semantic safety, and conformance to the corresponding containers in std and std::tr1 (except for some points where it differs by design).

It is like STL, but have a lot of more powerful tools with better efficiency than STL. (such as HashTable, Balance Tree...)

Intelligent Comparison

Beyond Compare is focused. Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders. By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you're interested in and ignore those you're not. You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records.


Ubuntu Pastebin

You can share your code with others conveniently with it. Website: