The following acknowledges the Maintainers for this repository, those who have Contributed to this repository (via bug reports, code, design, ideas, project management, translation, testing, etc.), and any Libraries utilized.
The following individuals are responsible for curating the list of issues, responding to pull requests, and ensuring regular releases happen.
Sérgio Santos (@s3rgiosan), Jeffrey Paul (@jeffpaul).
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to this repository via bug reports, code, design, ideas, project management, translation, testing, etc.
Chris Marslender (@cmmarslender), Michael Phillips (@mphillips), Alexis Bellido (@alexisbellido), Darshan Sawardekar (@dsawardekar), Phil Crumm (@pcrumm), Pete Nelson (@petenelson), Matthew McAchran (@mmcachran), Ricardo Moraleida (@moraleida), Sérgio Santos (@s3rgiosan), Jeffrey Paul (@jeffpaul), Tung Du (@dinhtungdu), Kirtan Gajjar (@kirtangajjar), Marco Almeida (@webdados), Ricky Lee Whittemore (@rickalee).
The following software libraries are utilized in this repository.