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0x41c edited this page Feb 28, 2022
11 revisions
- RuntimeModifiableBuilder: A type to create a RuntimeModifiable from.
- InternalStructureBase
A protocol to which all
structures conform - RuntimeModifiable: A structure that allows the dynamic get/set of a swift structs stored properties.
- StructureRepresentation
- swift_desanitizeMetadata(_:)
- Block_copy(:): Copies an objective-c block given its pointer, then returns the block back to the caller. This can be used to take a compile time block literal, and elevate it to the runtime by moving it into the heap, or if already there, by incrementing the retain counter.
- Block_release(:): Releases an objective-c block. If the block is in the heap, this will either (1) decrement the retain count and/or (2) free the memory at the location of the block if the retain count is 0.
(in this version of the function signature) you pass inUnsafeRawPointer
Once we get all the metadata bridged replace it withClassMetadata
or similar type. Also, I'm not sure enough about how the alignment mask works to explain it. If someone feels like documenting it, that would be amazing. (zoomer problem) - swift_allocBox(_:): Creates and returns a structure containing an allocated heap object as well as the value itself following it.
Allocates a
and returns the new memory. -
Allocate a
object. This is intended to be called by the metadata instantation function of a generic struct or enum. -
The type
in the case of the array function signatures actually representOpaqueValue*
. Until That is properly bridged over, it is what it is.Any.Type
Represents the self parameter orMetadata
. This follows the same principle. Until the proper Array metadata is bridged, we leave it be. This may not be the best solution so every suggestion is appreciated -
Using an already existant array and associated heap object, this
assigns values from the source object to the destination object
by copying them from the front of the object to the back. It does
this using a
when the witness table is POD, and by using a default witness function when not POD. -
Using an already existant array and associated heap object, this
assigns values from the source object object to the destination
by defaulting to a witness function to copy the values when not
POD, but using
when it is POD. -
Using an already existant array, it destorys a certain amount of
values from inside of it. This is done using the destroy function
of the arrays witness table function
. There is no alternative to this so non POD values will not be able to utilize the function. -
Taking an empty heap object and an already initialized one, this
initializes the empty one by copying a certain amount of children
from the initialized one. If the source object is POD, it gets
copied using
. If not, it utilizes the provided witness functions located in the metadata's witness table. -
Using an empty heap object and an already existant array, this
takes values from the existant one and fills the empty one. If
the metadata is POD, this is done
; else it is done with a witness funcion. -
Using an empty heap object and an already existant array, this
takes values from the existant one and fills the empty one. If
the metadata is POD, this is done
; else it is done with a witness funcion. -
Using an empty heap object and an already existant array, this
takes values from the existant one and fills the empty one. If
the metadata is POD, this is done
; else it is done with a witness funcion. -
For this section,
is in place ofAutoDiffLinearMapContext
; of course, this is here until we exchange the code with the type implementation. I'm thinking that it would be cool to just rewrite theAutoDiffLinearMapContext
to tail allocate the initial slab. This would cover their TODO and it would be in swift. Two big bonuses. -
's a buffer suitable for theAutoDiffLinearMapContext
and returns the initialized memory. The memory passed in increases the allocation internally at the tail. - swift_autoDiffProjectTopLevelSubcontext(_:): Calculates and returns the address to the start of the tail-allocated sub-context.
- swift_beginAccess(::_:): Starts dynamically tracking accesses to a variable for modification monitoring. This is to ensure the exclusivity rule. Learn more about it here at https://www.swift.org/blog/swift-5-exclusivity/
- swift_bridgeObjectRelease(_:): Decrements the strong retain count of a bridged object by one, or frees the memory if there are no longer any retains.
Decrements the strong retain count of a bridged object
, or frees the memory if there are no longer any retains. - swift_bridgeObjectRetain(_:): Increments the retain count of the passed in object by one. Nothing happens to the object if the retain count is zero.
Increments the retain count of the passed in object by
. Nothing happens to the object if the retain count is zero. -
An alias of
Wraps and initializes the request object with a structure
containing a range of functions available for getting the
's for the required metadata. - compareTypeContextDescriptors(::): By comparing multiple features of a type descriptor such as pointer equality, being null, uniqueness, kinds, and parents, it determines whether they are the same and/or describe the same type context.
- swift_conformsToProtocol(::): Checks and determines the protocol conformance of a given type.
- swift_continuation_await(_:): Awaits a continuation on the current task until resumed. If it's pending, restore the state to the current task as resumed.
- swift_continuation_init(::): Creates an async task around the flags/context and sets the default task values.
- swift_continuation_resume(_:): Resumes an async continuation task that has a non throwing continuation.
- swift_continuation_throwingResume(_:): Resumes an async continuation task that does have a throwing continuation.
- swift_continuation_throwingResumeWithError(::): Resumes an async continuation task by throwing an error.
Preforms a
of the source data into the address of the destination. It gets the size from theobjectType
parameter once it's cast to a metadata type with an attached witness table size. - swift_deallocClassInstance(::_:): Deallocate the given memory.
- swift_deallocObject(::_:): Deallocate the given memory.
- swift_deallocPartialClassInstance(_:): Deallocate the given memory after destroying instance variables.
- swift_deallocUninitializedObject(::_:): Deallocate an uninitialized object with a strong reference count of +1.
- swift_defaultActor_deallocate(_:): Deallocates an instance of a default actor.
- swift_defaultActor_deallocateResilient(_:): Deallocate a heap object that might be a default actor.
- swift_defaultActor_destroy(_:): Destroys a default actor.
- swift_defaultActor_initialize(_:): Initializes a default actor by calling its initializer.
- swift_deletedMethodError(): Crashes when a deleted method is called by accident.
- swift_distributedActor_remote_initialize(_:): / void swift_distributedActor_destroy(DefaultActor actor); / OpaqueValue swift_distributedActor_remote_create( OpaqueValue *identity, OpaqueValue *transport);
- swift_dynamicCast(::_:_:_:): Tries to preform a cast on one value type to another with the possibility of failing.
- swift_dynamicCastClass(::): Checked dynamic cast to a Swift class type.
- swift_dynamicCastClassUnconditional(::_:_:_:): Unconditional, checked dynamic cast to a Swift class type.
- swift_dynamicCastMetatype(::): Check to determine if a cast will succeed from one type to a metatype.
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeToObjectConditional(_:): Takes an objective-c class object type and returns the underlying class.
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeToObjectUnconditional(_:): Takes an objective-c class object type and returns the underlying class.
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeUnconditional(::_:_:_:): Check to determine if one type is compatable with another if casted.
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClass(::): Checked Objective-C-style dynamic cast to a class type.
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatype(::): Check to determine castability from a source type of objective-c origin to a target type also of the same origin.
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatypeUnconditional(::_:_:_:): Check to determine castability from a source type of objective-c origin to a target type also of the same origin.
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassUnconditional(::_:_:_:): Checked Objective-C-style dynamic cast to a class type.
- swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolConditional(::_:): Performs a check to determine if the object conforms the protocol(s).
- swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolUnconditional(::_:_:_:_:): Performs a check to determine if the object conforms the protocol(s).
- swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolConditional(::_:): Performs a check to determine if the type conforms the protocol(s).
- swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolUnconditional(::_:_:_:_:): Performs a check to determine if the type conforms the protocol(s).
- swift_dynamicCastUnknownClass(::): Checked dynamic cast of a class instance pointer to the given type.
- swift_dynamicCastUnknownClassUnconditional(::_:_:_:): Checked dynamic cast of a class instance pointer to the given type.
- swift_endAccess(_:): Stop dynamically tracking an access
- swift_errorInMain(_:): Invoked by the compiler when code at top level throws an error.
- swift_errorRelease(_:): Decrements or deallocates the error object depending on the strong retain count.
- swift_errorRetain(_:): Increments the strong retain count of the error object.
- swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness(::_:_:_:): Retrieve an associated conformance witness table from the given witness table.
- swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness(::_:_:_:): Retrieve an associated type witness from the given witness table.
- swift_getCanonicalPrespecializedGenericMetadata(::_:_:): Fetch a uniqued metadata object for the generic nominal type described by the provided description and arguments, adding the canonical prespecializations attached to the type descriptor to the metadata cache on first run.
- swift_getCanonicalSpecializedMetadata(::_:): Fetch a uniqued metadata object for the generic nominal type described by the provided candidate metadata, using that candidate metadata if there is not already a canonical metadata.
- swift_getDynamicType(::_:): Get the dynamic type of an opaque value.
- swift_getEnumCaseMultiPayload(::): Returns an integer value representing which case of a multi-payload enum is inhabited.
generically in terms of a payload type with agetExtraInhabitantIndex
function. - swift_getExistentialMetatypeMetadata(_:): Fetch a uniqued metadata for an existential metatype type.
- swift_getExistentialTypeMetadata(::_:_:): Fetch a uniqued metadata for an existential type.
- swift_getForeignTypeMetadata(_:): Fetch a unique type metadata object for a foreign type.
- swift_getFunctionTypeMetadata(::_:_:): / Metadata *swift_getFunctionTypeMetadata(unsigned long flags, const Metadata **parameters, const uint32_t *parameterFlags, const Metadata *result);
Generated at 2022-06-15T08:34:33-0700 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- ClassDescriptor
- ClassDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- ClassMetadata
- ClassMetadata.Flags
- ClassMetadata.MetadataStructure
- ContextDescriptor
- ContextDescriptor.Flags
- ContextDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- ContextDescriptor.Kind
- EnumDescriptor
- EnumDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- EnumMetadata
- EnumMetadata.MetadataStructure
- ExistentialMetadata
- ExistentialMetadata.Flags
- ExistentialMetadata.InternalRepresentation
- ExistentialMetadata.SpecialProtocol
- ExtensionDescriptor
- ExtensionDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- FunctionMetadata
- FunctionMetadata.MetadataStructure
- GenericContextDescriptor
- GenericContextDescriptor.GenericParameterDescriptor
- GenericContextDescriptor.GenericPrarameterKind
- GenericContextDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- GenericRequirementDescriptor
- GenericRequirementDescriptor.Flags
- GenericRequirementDescriptor.GenericRequirementKind
- GenericRequirementDescriptor.GenericRequirementLayoutKind
- GenericRequirementDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- ModuleDescriptor
- ModuleDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- PointerAuthentication
- ProtocolDescriptor
- ProtocolDescriptor.Flags
- ProtocolDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- ProtocolMetadata
- ProtocolMetadata.MetadataStructure
- ProtocolRequirement
- ProtocolRequirement.Flags
- ProtocolRequirement.InternalRepresentation
- ProtocolRequirement.Kind
- RuntimeModifiableBuilder
- SignedPointer
- StructDescriptor
- StructDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- StructMetadata
- StructMetadata.MetadataStructure
- TupleElementMetadata
- TupleElementMetadata.InternalRepresentation
- TupleMetadata
- TupleMetadata.MetadataStructure
- TupleMetadata.TupleElement
- TypeDescriptor
- TypeDescriptor.Flags
- TypeDescriptor.InternalRepresentation
- TypeDescriptor.TypeReferenceKind
- TypeMetadataKind
- ValueWitnessTable
- ValueWitnessTable.Flags
- ValueWitnessTable.InternalRepresentation
Global Typealiases
Global Functions
- _Block_copy(_:)
- _Block_release(_:)
- swift_allocBox(_:)
- swift_allocObject(_:_:_:)
- swift_allocateGenericClassMetadata(_:_:_:)
- swift_allocateGenericValueMetadata(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_arrayAssignWithCopyBackToFront(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_arrayAssignWithCopyFrontToBack(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_arrayAssignWithCopyNoAlias(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_arrayDestroy(_:_:_:)
- swift_arrayInitWithCopy(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_autoDiffAllocateSubContext(_:_:)
- swift_autoDiffCreateLinearMapContext(_:)
- swift_autoDiffProjectTopLevelSubcontext(_:)
- swift_beginAccess(_:_:_:)
- swift_bridgeObjectRelease(_:)
- swift_bridgeObjectRelease_n(_:_:)
- swift_bridgeObjectRetain(_:)
- swift_bridgeObjectRetain_n(_:_:)
- swift_bridgeRelease(_:)
- swift_checkMetadataState(_:_:)
- swift_compareTypeContextDescriptors(_:_:)
- swift_conformsToProtocol(_:_:)
- swift_continuation_await(_:)
- swift_continuation_init(_:_:)
- swift_continuation_resume(_:)
- swift_continuation_throwingResume(_:)
- swift_continuation_throwingResumeWithError(_:_:)
- swift_copyPOD(_:_:_:)
- swift_deallocClassInstance(_:_:_:)
- swift_deallocObject(_:_:_:)
- swift_deallocPartialClassInstance(_:)
- swift_deallocUninitializedObject(_:_:_:)
- swift_defaultActor_deallocate(_:)
- swift_defaultActor_deallocateResilient(_:)
- swift_defaultActor_destroy(_:)
- swift_defaultActor_initialize(_:)
- swift_deletedMethodError()
- swift_distributedActor_remote_initialize(_:)
- swift_dynamicCast(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastClass(_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastClassUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastMetatype(_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeToObjectConditional(_:)
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeToObjectUnconditional(_:)
- swift_dynamicCastMetatypeUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClass(_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatype(_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatypeUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCClassUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolConditional(_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolConditional(_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastUnknownClass(_:_:)
- swift_dynamicCastUnknownClassUnconditional(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_endAccess(_:)
- swift_errorInMain(_:)
- swift_errorRelease(_:)
- swift_errorRetain(_:)
- swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness(_:_:_:_:_:)
- swift_getCanonicalPrespecializedGenericMetadata(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_getCanonicalSpecializedMetadata(_:_:_:)
- swift_getDynamicType(_:_:_:)
- swift_getEnumCaseMultiPayload(_:_:)
- swift_getEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_getExistentialMetatypeMetadata(_:)
- swift_getExistentialTypeMetadata(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_getForeignTypeMetadata(_:)
- swift_getFunctionTypeMetadata(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_initWithTakeBackToFront(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_initWithTakeFrontToBack(_:_:_:_:)
- swift_initWithTakeNoAlias(_:_:_:_:)